Winter’s Surprises

These long winter weeks of no sun, how do we do it? Yesterday afternoon I decided to head into the Quarry Park which is right outside my studio door. Lucky me! This time I got it all to myself, in terms of humans that is. As I walk by the houses that lead to the park, I see a huge cat snow figure! That’s Kalli’s spirit saying hello for sure. Next month marks the 1 year anniversary of Kalli’s passing, my calico cat that was with me for 20 years. Now I’m sauntering in the park… the striking contrast of pure white snow and big brown tree trunks. Wait! I hear some spring birds! Kalli is that you? She came to me through a robin in this very same park just days after she died. Very rare I’ve been told to see a robin in Wisconsin on February 25. Hmmm… what’s down this little side trail that I usually don’t take. A family of 3 mini snow people on top of a tree stump. Just cute as the dickens. Our family of 3 as our baby through adoption comes to us later this year. Then all these surprise trails! Yes… trails that people make just because we can with all the snow. And then the biggest surprise yet. A piece of yellow sidewalk chalk. What is that doing here in the middle of the woods in the winter? I see art on the snow, a hot pink heart. So I start drawing on the snow which then becomes drawing on the trees and benches and park sign… hearts, hi, love, the peace sign, smile faces, Kalli 2.22.19, love is stronger than fear, welcome, goodbye. I had just enough chalk left to draw a sweet little heart on the cement right in front of the entry door to my studio building.

What surprises have you found this winter? Or what surprise messages are you leaving for others?