Always Home

“I am a ship tied to this dock by the flimsiest of ropes. A good, strong gust of wind - and I’m free, the polished timbers of my hull slipping through the water with such ease.

The far mountains in the twilight are bewitching - and I might go there, though the open sea calls too. Instead of plotting a course, navigating my way to a chosen destination, I surrender to the currents and the waves.

My sails are full and the one thing I’m sure of is that letting go will bring the best result. Maps and plans are like so much spray from breaking waves, while allowing the journey to unfold in its own wild way will always bring me home.”

-Danna Faulds


Whew… this 3.5 year adoption journey sure has been a ride! And for most of us on this unique journey, we’ve also had a ride leading up to it. I lost my first baby girl … Britta … 17 years ago … I was 28 years old. I am now 45 years old and have been healing my past 17 years in ways I never ever thought possible. I am a completely different person in so many more ways than just my chronological age. As noted in the poem above, I have surrendered to the currents and the waves and truly let the journey unfold in its own wild ways that have always always always lead me home. Like Danna says… letting go, letting go, letting go … I love to say in yoga therapy all the time that we do our part and we’ll always be met. Year after year I would keep doing my part of this often times tumultuous healing journey and then I’d be met year after year. So this Sunday I’m being met with my identical twin 2 year old boys … Jayce and Kayden … coming home. Keep surrendering. Keep doing your part. Keep asking for help. Keep going to therapy. Keep letting go. Keep letting go. Keep letting go. Your tree will bear fruit one day.