Inner Body Bright

I am sitting in my studio this morning in the beautiful Quarry Arts building in Madison, Wisconsin, called A Healing Oasis. It's really great. We have a psychotherapist, psychologist, pain care people, an acupuncturist, massage therapist, and a black women's wellness foundation here. So it's a great, pretty, light filled, amazing building to be in, in Madison, to have my business running out of. As I sit this morning, getting ready to start doing my yoga therapy school work in this fabulous yoga therapy graduate program based in Ottawa, Canada, that’s feeding my soul so much it's just incredible, I sit down and I look to the left and the sun is so bright, just coming right in my window. As my eyes look at it it’s just like this globe of light. You can't really see the trees or anything that's between the sun and me and my window just because it's so bright. So I look at it for a moment and I just let it fill me and fill me and fill me. 

This concept of inner body bright has to do with something I learned in yoga years and years ago about this fullness. At our deepest essence, our truest nature, is this fullness, this inner body bright. So with the sun coming in and having it be so bright in my eyes, it reminded me of this inner body bright philosophy, that I have this light within. This light within never goes out. It's eternal and my ability to tap into it day after day with my speaking, with my writing, with working with my clients one on one, with my twin boys, with my husband. These ways that keep our light going, that align with our inner light give us this inner body bright awareness inside of us, and we function and we speak and we experience relationships from that place. It's pretty divine. It's pretty big. It's pretty full. It's pretty empowering. And I've been working on that for the last 15 years of my life, just feeding this light and letting this inner body brightness be here and be potent. 

I've recently started working with a new business coach. Her name is Eva, and yesterday I had a session and did she ever empower me to step into my light, to own my light, to hire a virtual assistant to help me continue to do my genius work. My genius work is speaking. It’s writing. It’s being in my yoga therapy school. It's being with my twin boys, Jayce and Kayden. It's being with my soul mate, Christopher. When I let myself be in this place of my genius work, I give myself permission to hire an assistant to help me balance and manage all of my Facebook Live views I've been getting now. I just started doing Facebook Lives as an empowerment piece from my business coach Eva, and I have over 1,500 views on these first four that I did. So the light is there. The expansion is there. I’m lit. We’re all lit. Just, are we able to recognize this internal flame? that's always always there, never goes out, and to recognize who we have in our life. Where are we living? And what do we have around us? that allows us to feed this light, to stoke this light, to tend this fire, and to let it get big and let it get full and let it be empowering. So that not only are we full and empowered in our own self, so we're living from our inner body bright, and then we empower others to do the same by our example, by walking our talk. We can share this light and we can share this light by just walking by someone on the street and they're kind of like, “Woah, what's going on with that woman?” I’m living in my light, I've had my light now. My light is super bright, and there's no stopping me from being my big, my full, and my empowering self. 

I was working with my sister Lynn last night and giving her a session. She lives in Minneapolis and she is healing from some very significant recent trauma. It was pretty cool because her cat Frosty, who is very close to her, whose higher power passed away a couple years ago, came to the session. So I'm doing distance healing. Everything with COVID a lot of my practice is now through zoom online, and I'm doing distance healing work with her. We're doing some yoga therapy movements, we're tapping into my cranial sacral understanding and background wisdom, and then we're also tapping into this bigger energy. I often have people who have passed guiding me, right now I hear you Lavender. So this is a client of mine that passed away about six months ago at the age of 41. I had a very powerful last year and a half with her. If you'd like to read more about that it's under one of my Facebook Lives and it's titled Lavender’s Cancer Journey. The year and a half I was with her I walked her through. what it's like to die beautifully, at a young age, when it's so unfair. So she's here guiding me and others that have passed are guiding me. So frosty comes in. He comes into the session. I asked him, “Do you want to come in? Do you want to help my sister?” She was very close to him for a long time when he was in his physical form and now he's in his spirit body, and he gave me this big “Yes, yes, yes!” And then he lit my body up! I spoke to Lynn and I said, “I feel like a light bulb.” It was like he just stepped into my body and turned on this hundred watt light bulb and boom! He just lit me up with this fullness, this light, this expansion, this feeling like I'm ready and I'm bigger in this form now in this realm. And same with Lavender, who passed six months ago. Her and I would talk about her light when she was here sitting across from me in session in this very studio. We talked about when you pass, your connection with me and your light with me is going to be at a whole nother level. And yes, that is absolutely happening and she is a big part of why I'm going forward and stepping into my bigness, and my fullness, and my most empowered self.

So what feeds your soul? What lights you up? There's a Mary Oliver quote that says, “What lights you up will save you.” So do what lights you up. We need more people that are lit up. We need people to align with their inner body light, with this flame that never goes out. But how do we align with it? How do we stoke the fire and get this flame to become brighter and brighter? Who feeds us? What environment feeds us? For the last 15 years I've been building this team around myself to walk through big things like hospitalization, and severe depression, and divorce, and losing my babies, and walking through this adoption path. Tomorrow for my weekly Wednesday Facebook Live I'm going to be speaking about my adoption journey. So please share that with others who are on this journey or thinking about this journey or struggling with this. I have a lot of wisdom and a lot of love and grace to share of my four years on the adoption journey and just having our two boys being placed with us about four and a half months ago - Jayce and Kayden, identical twins. So back to this inner body light and brightness, what feeds you? What environment are you in that you feel big? What relationships fill you? Look for that. Let yourself be attracted to that and let that guide you because when you function from this inner body light and brightness, you are going to be big and you're going to be bigger than you ever imagined you could even be in this lifetime. That’s what’s happening with me and my business coach, Eva - super powerful work, not easy, hard, deep digging, lots of courage, lots of facing our ship. I’ve been holding myself back for all these years and it's time to fly. It is time for me to fly, and it's time for you to fly, too. So sit with what's holding you back from your flight. What might be dimming your light right now. And step in and realize you have the courage. You have the strength. You can let go of that relationship. You can change your job. You can bring children into your life, whatever your dream is. What lights you up? Sit with that and have the courage to follow that.