Ahhh… finally a couple hours outside today to weed. With the twin boys coming home on Sunday our minds have been full full full. Meetings. Appointments. Meetings. Phone calls. Zoom meetings. And more meetings. So funny that I should say because what got me out to weed was another meeting! We were out front having a meeting with Uncle Steve, who is our downstairs neighbor who is going to be a big help for us with all the food deliveries and others ways people are coming to help over the next 3 months. I couldn’t help myself. I had to stay outside and be with all my front yard perennials. Put my bare hands in the dirt, over and over. The weeding provides a beautiful therapy for our brains because of using our hands in this gentle and repetitive way. Remember my one post about knitting as part of my yoga therapy school. I’ll have to look back at my notes and some of cool research around this. Weeding is therapy because you are in mother natures loving embrace and oh does it fill you up. Weeding is meditative and can keep your full attention … I did not think of the craziness of getting ready for the boys for almost the whole time I was out there. The exception being when 2 different neighbors excitedly asked about their arrival day. Weeding is therapy as you see the beauty of your work after it’s complete. You feel good about yourself and you can hear your perennials saying thank you for the breathing room. To wrap up my nature goodness afternoon I did one of my favorite things. Plucked a few wonderful yellow blossoms and let them float in the bird bath, it always looks so pretty and peaceful.
flower photo courtesy of Frosti Flowers at frostiflowers.com